30 March 2014

That Rock Won't Roll

Me & B.... 4th Row Big Timing!

We got to the show at 6 (thanks to a quick but really good meal at O'Charley's) because the doors were supposed to open at six. Um yeah. We didn't get in until 6:15 or 6:20. There was no one to guide us to our seats, or to ensure that cheap seat buyers didn't make their way to the "VIP" seats (ya know, where we were!). Then the show was supposed to start at seven. Any guesses when it actually started? About 20 minutes after?! Correct. Gracious! By this time, B and I had already made friends with the couple behind us (the husband thought it was comical we were there to see Restless Heart, he said, "They are older than me!") and caught up on a lot of important news. ;) 

Trae Edwards & band

Trae is on the right. 

And FINALLY! The fellas of Restless Heart. Man did they put on a show! I guess after you've reached the 30th anniversary of performing together, you learn how to interact with each other exceptionally well. We laughed, we cried, we sang, we danced (in our seats), and we just enjoyed the whole show. 

Restless Heart!

He informed us this was his favorite part of his job. Well, duh.

We had our own photographer come with us. Oh wait, no, that's a lie. We just snagged their legit biggest fan and she became our photographer. We are pretty important people, hanging out with pretty important people. 

Does it GET any better than white jeans?! :))))

We lost our photographer, so we did the classic move of fitting everyone in the frame. And for the record, we were doing selfies years before selfies were cool - so it doesn't take us eight tries to get it right. Of course, he had to ask, "Did you get it?!" and was only satisfied to send us on our way when he saw the picture. 

Okay, this one did require a second take. But only because those two saw the first one and vetoed it. We got his autograph and then someone snuck in to get a picture with him. Of course we didn't leave the scene (girls on a mission here!) so I had to ask, "Can we selfie with you?!" and he was all over that.  

<3 my girl!

good times.

Home Ownership Fun

 My super(handy)man fiance was a rockstar on the hot water heater and replaced the pressure relief value, the spigot on the bottom, drained it really well, and replaced the two elements. If any of that made sense to you, you might enjoy the following pictures....

And now it's better than new! ;)

20 March 2014

Gypsy Anne's Junk - The Booth

Welcome to the Gypsy Anne's Junk booth! :-) 

I blame credit my mother with this excursion. She thought she had enough "junk" to have a booth, and really, if you saw her basement you would have to agree. So she did research (aka talked to a friend who had a booth) and decided to ask about a space at the same place this friend had a booth. It faces the interstate and is within driving distance for the local community. I agreed to help stock it (ya know, like she had to pull teeth for this to happen!) and we went in late November to inquire about a booth. They were full but knew several renters that were considering leaving, moving space, or definitely leaving. The sweet lady gave us the run down and we signed up then for the waiting list. I think we were first on the list, actually. Sometime in early December we got the call that a booth was open and it was ours if we wanted it. Mom said yes but we didn't move in for a few days. They said we could make the booth "ours" by painting it and bringing in carpet or floor covering. E had left over carpet that he offered us and Mom and Daddy painted the wall a pretty sky blue. Whoohoo! Making progress:)

Here is the first shot from where we just went it to look at what we were working with. 
Other side of the booth. It's a 10x10. 

And, tada! First shake at it. Mom and Daddy painted early one day and by that late afternoon, here is how it looked. 

Close up of goodies.

This was mid-December by this time and we put out a few Christmas ideas in hope that they would sell, but no such luck.

Pretty quilts for sale and my cotton basket! I am on a mission for this thing to sell. It is so fresh off the farm, it still has cotton in it. 

Fast forward a couple of weeks. My uncle had this gorgeous typewriter that he wanted to sell so Mom let him in on the action too! He provided the stand for it to sit on, and it made a good place to house the pink clothes hamper and it's side leaf is holding vintage books. 

By this time, we have also added plate racks, a shelf in the middle, and ....

.....a large shelf that was here for about a month and is now removed. Oh the perils of borrowing stuff!

This shelf still holds glassware and that's my Vietnam era ammo box standing up. I would love for it to sell. I hunted for some like that for months and found a gazillion at an auction. I bought 3 long ones (like the above) and 3 short ones (about half that size). I don't use the long ones so I am on a mission for it to go; then I will work on the remaining 2!

If you zoom in, you can see the first sign I made for the booth; it is beside the blue vase.

I can't say we are getting rich off of this but we are (usually) having fun!
More updates to come, check back soon. :)

15 March 2014


A really good haul......
There are 4 main estate sale teams in town and one of them sticks everything they deem as 'not possible to sell for $500+' in the garages. Y'all. The garage is my favorite place to shop! They always hand you a bag and whatever you can stuff in it, you get for $3 usually, but this trip it was $2. YoYO! The above picture is everything stuffed in it, including paint thinner, citronella for tiki torches, bug spray, and then my "finds"....

Card decks, hair scissors, letter holder, and embroidery hoop. I took a chance on these card decks because they were just thrown on a shelf and cards were laying beside the boxes. Luckily all of the cards were there!

On a good Sunday, there are multiple estate sales. This haul was a bit more than $2, but still good junk!
At the same sale, E found this organizer thing - of which the day before he told me he needed. Sch-weet! $7.50 seemed pricey but then I saw smaller ones at Lowe's for $20+ so I felt better. ;)

Also ANNOUNCING..............................

The GypsyAnnesJunk Etsy shop! Ahhh!!! :-)) Visit today and follow along to see what good finds belong in a new home.

I have already sold one of the deck of cards I mentioned above. Whoop whoop! I can't even formulate quality sentences because I am SO excited.

Linked Up @ thriftershare!

09 March 2014

Lucky Finds

It's luck of the Irish time!

E and I stopped in ONE thrift store this weekend (and no yard or estate sales) and I only found 2 household goodies but I call them my lucky finds! 

Aren't we all on the never ending quest to find the gold at the end of the rainbow!

Beautiful lightweight wooden hand-painted tole tray from the 60's. 

Fabulous cooper vase. Turkish?

What's up Shamrockers!

Top O' the Mornin' to Ya!

I'm linking up with thriftermakerfixerfarm & alivingspace!