Why does one visit yard sales, estate sales, tag sales, etc. etc. etc.? For me, it is the thrill of the hunt.
This weekend was a dozy. Friday was an off day and I knew the weather would be beautiful. I scoped out the ads in the local paper on Thursday and then laid out my route. I took note of all sales but highlighted the ones I was most interested in... "furniture" "antiques" "collectibles".
Our first stop on Friday was a bust. We didn't let that discourage us! It was on to the ATM to ensure we had enough cash to cover our finds then on to the location of "no clothes, no junk, all collectibles." As promised, it was glorious. As we traveled several back roads, my companion (aka my boyfriend, "E") stated it felt like the movie "Wrong Turn." There were at least four outhouses/sheds (most had more than one room) full of stuff. Good stuff. These folks knew what they had and knew the value of it. I didn't see anything that I needed, but E found a few tools he could use. The experience was worth the drive!
Even though we had just begun, we had to fuel up at Sonic. Yum.
On to what was billed as a garage sale. It was inside the whole house and we didn't find anything we needed on the first level. Down to the second level. Hello dishes. (It just so happened I was just talking about these dishes!) I have found these at two other sales in the county over the past three or so years. This find had two plates, six cups, and several desert plates and saucers. When the sweet lady said "$7" for the box, I just nodded and said okay. After a quick sweep of the basement, I also grabbed a thanksgiving kitchen knick-knack. I was doing the happy dance out the door when I saw an outside yard table. $5. Yes, I'll take it too. (No picture, but I'm sure it will be featured soon. It looks great in my backyard.)
I am drawn to the 50's style of decor. The sweet lady I bought these from said she bought them in 1958 (when she was still in high school) for her mom from Lorch's Jewelry store. Wow! Love the history. I bet the other two homes I bought these from also originally purchased from Lorch's.
The style: Ever Yours Boutonniere
The company: Taylor, Smith & Taylor
Moving on, we hit a small yard sale where E bought a fan (seemed to be new in box) and since he bought it, the lady gave me my purchase. Guess his purchased covered my 50 cents. It's a great little tin platter. I've developed a slight obsession and have purchased a few recently. Stay tuned for pictures.
Next stop, large legitimate Estate Sale. (Legitimate defined: prices on everything, whole house open.) I found a set of cloth napkins and pillowcases that had hand stitching on them. It never fails... I go to an estate sale and come home with cloth napkins, and sometimes pillow cases. Are cloth napkins even made anymore? (I'm sure they aren't made for $2 or less......) Again, no pictures, but stay tuned. My cloth napkin collection is getting pretty serious.
After this, we had to get back to my house to wait on the cable guy.
The next morning I had plans and had my friend H with me. I forewarned her that we would be in an area where I wanted to hit up a couple of sales. She agreed to accompany me and I told her to bring cash-- She wouldn't leave empty handed. E wasn't in these plans but wanted to meet us for the sales. We found two extra sales (these called for excited gasps as they weren't originally in the plan!) and I scored a book at one. The first of the planned yard sales had some great stuff... Just nothing I needed. H bought a book. Not just any book, but a third book of a trilogy she had started. She paid $1 for the hardback and was ecstatic. She remarked that she'd bought the second book in paperback and paid over $15 for it. I was so proud for her find!
Next and final stop was what was billed as a Estate Sale. While this was someone's Estate, it was a bit of a stretch for what I'd explained to H to expect. (*sigh* whoops!) There were signs posted "Enter at Your Own Risk." Whoa! This was a new one, but hey, we were here. E wasn't scared, he plundered through two outhouses as well. While he was plundering, I struck a deal with the lady for the two cotton baskets and the framed fabric print for $30. She'd quoted me $30 for both the cotton picking baskets but I wasn't sold. When I spotted the frame I asked for all three at that price. It was a huge stretch for me to pay that much. I didn't even spend $30 the day before and I was gone three hours! E found a great item in his outhouse scouring ... My cousins are on the hunt for metal dump trucks; those things are hard to find, especially on the cheap. This one was in near perfect condition and she gave it to us for a dollar. (I believe the little kiddos will make great use of it!)
What a great weekend of treasure hunting!
..... Especially when I start wondering what to do with my new goodies. I like to find out what I can about my purchases so I first looked up the cotton picking baskets. The web doesn't have much to offer. I think I really got a great deal. (One is near perfect and the other is missing the bottom but is salvageable.) There's cotton still in the baskets. And pieces of a money tree. (If you know the real name of a money tree... Please let me know!) I have a few ideas for what to do with them, but nothing wonderful has struck me yet.
This blog has a picture of the baskets being used. (Fourth picture down.)

-get loh